Wednesday 21 March 2012

Deaf Student Stunned by Obama Encounter

President Obama uses sign language during impromptu greeting with student: President Obama was shaking hands with supporters after a political energy event March 15 with the Governor of Maryland Martin O'Malley when he was sharing an impromptu sign language with a deaf man who was caught on video.

Distriction site was the first report of a frank exchange of views, which was captured on video, a student of 26 years in Prince George College of Stephon, who is deaf. As Obama made his way into the line of fans, Stephon use American Sign Language to tell the president ". I'm proud of you" In the video, you can see that Obama paused for a moment, an unexpected but welcome. He responds quickly signed: "Thank you." sophomore deaf sign it, "I love you." Obama smiled at the student, and shook hands with him before continuing the line.

"When I shook his hand, he does not feel that he was taller than me," said Stephon. "It was just a humble man," Stephon said Distriction. As H. Hoover wrote on the site, sharing a rare moment to humanize the administration President and would be so regardless of the signature of the commander was a Republican or a Democrat.

In the video, Stephon told us about his experience. He even wrote a transcript for those of us not versed in American Sign Language. I've included some excerpts of his remarks after the jump.

Even during his first presidential campaign in 2008, President Obama also signed a "thank you" to another campaign supporter of the deaf. You can find some of the 100 major American Sign Language gestures.

Partial entry through Distriction:

"Hello, I would like to share my experience, I will remember for the rest of my life today was a special day for me, and I'm ready for it, it was announced yesterday, March 14th for everyone to get tickets to see anything else .. than the United States President Barack Obama! "


"At that moment I will never forget when he looked at me. He gave me the opportunity to talk to him. It was like he was waiting for me to say something. I took the time and signed:" I'm proud of you, "and his answer was, "Glory and 'in sign language back!"

"Oh my gosh, I was like wow, I realized after I said that I was proud of him. It was so amazing ... I did not speak. Shortly thereafter, he thanked me, he smiled in another deaf woman , which is signed: "I love you."

"When I shook his hand, he does not feel that he was taller than me. It was just a humble man. I'm just impressed with him and I know he has a voice, and it will win a second term, no doubt. Yes, I feel safe to be for another term. "

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